Friday, December 01, 2006

My Thoughts On Ikhtilaf

I wanted to post about this for some time now, but didn't really knew how to word it without offending someone. But now I read brother Omar's comment on someone's Blog and he probably said it better than I could, "The way of taqwa is avoiding differences of opinion and going with the safer opinion".

You can literally watch Muslims going forth and back in endless debates about issues like listening to music, shaking hands of women, taking or giving interest, taking pictures, participating in lotteries and the list goes on and on and on. But my questions is, when both sides make a good point and are based on Qur'an and Sunnah, then why not going with the safer opinion? In my opinion that's what taqwa requires from us to at least try.

Let's not conclude this post with my irrelevant opinion, but rather with the saying of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), "Ikhtilaf in my Ummah is a Rahma for people" ("Ifkhtilafu ummati rahmatun li al-nas").

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