Friday, December 01, 2006

Speeches Of Raiwind Ijtima

From the 7th Shawwal 1427 (9th November 2006) on, around 1.8 Million Muslims from all over the world gathered in Raiwind near Lahore, Pakistan with the purposes of seeking Allah Ta'ala's pleasure, learning Deen, improving their Ibadah, coming closer to divine guidance and spreading the true message of Islam.

Hajji Abdul Wahab (db) opened the Ijtima on Thursday night. Next to him other of our pious scholars took the chance to speak to the masses, too: Maulana Muhammad Ahmed Bahawalpuri (db), Maulana Saad Kandhalvi (db), Maulana Ehsan-ul-Haq (db), Maulana Ahmed Laat (db), Maulana Ibraheem Deula (db) and Maulana Ismail (db).

Maulana Zubairul Hassan (db) led the half-an-hour dua for the spread of Islam’s message of peace, love and affection to the world and for dispelling the wrong impression from the minds of the non-Muslims that violence and militancy was its creed. The congregation sought forgiveness for the sins and pledged to follow the teachings of the religion in letter and spirit.

A record gathering joined on Sunday morning the grand du'a, which was also attended by the chief ministers, federal and provincial ministers, legislators, nazims, councillors and government officers.

>> Speeches Of Raiwind Ijtima & Grand Du'a (from

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