Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hajj/Umrah's Ahkam According To Your Madhab

Here are two lists. The first is about what should be avoided during the Ihram and the larger second one is about the things you are supposed to do during the Ihram. And just as the title already unveiled it's according to all four Madhahib. But first I want to give you two very interesting links corncerning Hajj, Umrah and visiting Medinah.

>> Journey of a Lifetime: Fisabilillah.org put together a Hajj Pack consisting of over 120 printable pages. This guide covers many aspects corncering "Before Hajj", "The Hajj", "In Madinah", "After Hajj" and it's all illustrated with text and images.
>> HajUmrah.co.uk: A non-profit site geared to provide a local independent directory of Hajj and Umrah Tour Operators, Travel Tips, Hajj and Umrah Books, Hotels, Visa information, News, Weather and a wealth of outstanding resources dedicated to Hajj & Umrah.

Now, we can start with the main part of this post. You just need to do another click, if you haven't yet.

  • 1.) Wearing sewn clothes:
All Madhahib: Requires sacrificing a sheep.
  • 2.) Male pilgrim covering the head or female pilgrim covering her face with Niqab:
Hanafiya: Requires sacrificing a sheep.
Shafi'iya: Doing so intentionally requires sacrificing a sheep. If done unintentionally or being forced to do so, then there's no Kaffarah.
Malikiya: Requires sacrificing a sheep.
Hanbaliya: Doing so intentionally requires sacrificing a sheep. If done unintentionally or being forced to do so, then there's no Kaffarah.
  • 3.) Intentionally pulling out or removing body-hair:
All Madhahib: When less than twelve hairs have been pulled out or removed, a handfull of wheat (or other appropriate food) has to be donated. But if more hairs have been removed, then a sheep has to be sacrificed.
  • 4.) Cutting of finger- or toenails:
All Madhahib: When one or two nails have been cut, accordingly one or two times food in the measure of Mudd (the amount that can be drawn with both hands put-together) has to be donated. But when more nails have been cut, a sheep has to be sacrificed.
  • 5.) Use of perfume:
All Madhahib: Requires sacrificing an animal (at least a sheep).
  • 6.) Hunting a wild animal or hunting and killing a wild animal:
All Madhahib: As Kaffarah (1) a sheep or a small livestock animal in the size of the killed animal has to be given or (2) feeding every of the amount of poor prescribed for Kaffarah a 1/2 Sa' (i.e. so much, that a person can eat full) or (3) instead of feeding, it can be fasted a day for every single of the poor.
  • 7.) Burning down, killing or chopping off living plants in the area of the Haram:
All Madhahib: Requires sacrificing an animal (at least a sheep).
  • 8.) Sexual intercourse or stimulation with your partner:
Hanafiya: Makes the Hajj or Umrah invalid and batil.
Shafi'iya: Makes the Hajj or Umrah invalid and batil - as long as the person hasn't been forced or did it unintentionally (i.e. without taking under consideration that one's in the state of Ihram).
Malikiya: Makes the Hajj or Umrah invalid and batil.
Hanbaliya: Makes the Hajj or Umrah invalid and batil.

That's it with the most important forbidden acts during the state of Ihram and the Kaffarah of all four Madhahib. The following list is (a little) larger and gives you the look at what importance the school of thoughts gave the different acts you are supposed to do. To make it easier I gave every Madhab an own color: Hanafiya is green, Shafi'iya is brown, Malikiya is blue and Hanbaliya is red.

  • The Hajj itself
Fardh* | Fardh** | Fardh* | Fardh*
* has to be performed immediately
** can be delayed

  • The Ihram for Hajj
Shart/Rukn | Rukn | Rukn | Rukn
  • The Umrah
Sunnah mu'akadda | Fardh** | Sunnah mu'akadda | Fardh*
* has to be performed immediately
** can be delayed
  • The Ihram for Umrah
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda* | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
*(According to some Scholars of this Madhab: Wajib)
  • The reciting of the Talbiya during the Ihram
Shart* | Rukn | Rukn | Rukn
*(According to some Scholars of this Madhab: Rukn)
  • Enter Ihram at the Miqat
Wajib | Wajib | Wajib | Wajib
  • Ghusl on the occasion of the Ihram
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Mustahabb
  • The Talbiya
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • Tawaf al-Qudum
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • The Niyyat for Tawaf
Shart | Shart | Wajib | Shart
  • To start the Tawaf at the black stone (al-Hajar al-aswad)
Wajib | Shart | Wajib | Shart
  • Always having the Ka'ba at your left side during Tawaf
Wajib | Shart | Shart | Shart
  • Not being in the state of Hadath during Tawaf
Wajib | Shart | Shart | Shart
  • To perform the Tawaf in form of seven rounds (Ashwat)
Wajib | Shart | Shart | Shart
  • The two Rak'a on the occasion of the Tawaf
Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda* | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
*(According to some Scholars of this Madhab: Wajib)
  • The Tawaf at the Umrah
Rukn | Rukn | Rukn | Rukn
  • The Sa'y between as-Safa and al-Marwa at Hajj and Umrah
Wajib | Rukn | Rukn | Rukn
  • To perform the Sa'y after the Tawaf
Wajib | Shart | Wajib | Shart
  • To make a Niyyat for the Sa'y, to begin the Sa'y at as-Safa and finish it at al-Marwa
Wajib | Shart | Shart | Shart
  • To perform the Sa'y - if possible - walking
Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Shart
  • To walk during all 7 rounds (Ashwat)
Wajib | Shart | Shart | Shart
  • To let the 7 rounds (Ashwat) of the Sa'y continuously follow eachother (Muwalat)
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Shart
  • To let the Sa'y follow directly after the Tawaf without an interruption (Muwalat)
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • Shaving or trimming the hair on the head at the Umrah
Wajib | Wajib | Wajib | Wajib
  • To spend the night of 'Arafat at Mina
Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Mustahabb
  • The standing at 'Arafat (Wuquf 'Arafat)
Rukn | Rukn | Rukn | Rukn
  • The (permissible) time for standing at 'Arafat (Wuquf 'Arafat)
From the begin of Zuhr till the Fajr of the day of sacrifices (Yaum an-Nahr)
  • To perform the Wuquf before the sunset on the day of 'Arafat
Wajib | Wajib | Rukn | Wajib
  • To connect in real Jam'-form at Muzdalifa between the Maghrib prayer and the 'Isha' prayer
Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • To spend the night at Muzdalifa
Wajib | Wajib | Wajib | Wajib
  • To set off on time from Muzdalifa to al-Mash'ar al-haram
Wajib | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda / Mustahabb | Wajib
  • To stone the big pillar (Jamrat al-'Aqaba) at the day of sacrifice (Yaum an-Nahr)
Wajib | Wajib | Wajib | Wajib
  • Shaving or trimming the hair on the head at the Hajj
Wajib | Rukn | Wajib | Wajib
  • To keep the order (Tartib) of stoning the big pillar, sacrificing an animal and shaving the head
Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • That the shaving of the head takes place inside the Haram (the Ka'ba area) and at the permissible days of sacrificing (Ayyam an-Nahr)
Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • The Tawaf al-Ifada
Rukn | Rukn | Rukn | Rukn
  • To perform the Tawaf al-Ifada during the permissible days of sacrificing (Ayyam an-Nahr)
Wajib | Rukn | Wajib (at Hajj) | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda (on the day of celebration)
  • To perform the Tawaf al-Ifada after the stoning of the big pillar
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • The stoning of all three pillars (al-Jamarat) at the days of Tashriq
Wajib | Wajib | Wajib | Wajib
  • Not to delay the stoning of all three pillars (al-Jamarat) till the night
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Sunnah ghair mu'akadda
  • To spend the night at Mina during the days of Tashriq
Sunnah ghair mu'akadda | Wajib | Wajib | Wajib
  • The Tawaf al-Wada'
Wajib | Wajib | Mustahabb | Wajib

That's it! Insha'Allah that was helpful to some of you.
There will follow a couple of other posts concerning Hajj in the next few days: Definitly a history of the Ka'ba and a post about errors often commited by pilgrims. And part 2 of the "Difference between Sahabah and Me & You" is in the makings, too. So, stay tuned.

1 comment:

Arshad said...

Salam alykum Masha_Allah very informative