Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ibrahim Khalilullah (a.s.)

"La Ilaha Illallah - Ibrahim Khalilullah."

Some of the People of the Book stated that his name was Ibrahim Ibn Tarikh, Ibn Nahur, Ibn Sarough, Ibn Raghu, Ibn Phaligh, Ibn Aher, Ibn Shalih, Ibn Arfghshand, Ibn Sam, Ibn Noah.

They said that when Tarikh was seventy five years old, he had Ibrahim, Nahor (Nohour) and Haran. Haran had a son named Lot. They also said that Ibrahim was the middle child and that Haran died in the lifetime of his father in the land where he was born, the land of the Chaldeans (Al Kaldanieen), also known as Babylonia. At that time some people worshipped idols of stone and wood; others worshipped the planets, stars, sun and moon; still others worshipped their kings and rulers.

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